Samstag, 25. Juni 2022

On the way back home

 This morning starts with getting me ready for the way back to Germany. I got a pint of fresh oil snd a bit of window cleaner. Micheal get his last breakfast of this journey with the members of the club. It was sad moment to leave. We had a wonderful time to meet  Jo, Roger, Margret, David, Jim, Joan, David, Freda to name only few again. We also meet people that Michael knows only via emails.

 Michael decided to start with getting me some fuel and we were off to Dover. 

On our way we made a stop at Mt. Ephraim Garden in Hernhile.

After that we get to Dover. The Westbank B&B has its own parking lot. A small entrance to a small area. I‘m to big for it but Michael squeezed me in. I hope that I get out of it tomorrow.

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Final end of tour

 I‘m safely arrived at home and I‘m read to get cleaned, repair of. Exhaust and ready for the Slingshot intake.